Eye Movement
and Reprocessing
Recommended for the treatment of Trauma, PTSD Stress and Anxiety Disorders.
EMDR is a very effective treatment for treating trauma and alleviating trauma symptoms. It utilises the natural process of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) that occurs during our sleep. EMDR works on unprocessed memories and feelings from the past that are stored in a brain, remain “frozen” in time and might seem recent and fresh.
As a result of repeated sets of eye movements (similar to REM), the memories change and lose their intensity. EMDR helps create new connections in your brain that enable the processing of the traumatic event. Changes in thoughts, images and feelings allow the trauma memory become a natural memory.
EMDR is an evidence-based treatment.
What can EMDR help with?
EMDR Therapy is widely used for the treatment of Trauma & PTSD, as well as a variety of other problems. EMDR works really well with traumatic events such as:​​
Road Traffic Accidents (RTA)
Childhood Trauma (Any type)
Abuse and Neglect
Birth Trauma
Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination
Personal Assaults (e.g. Sexual Assault, Mugging, Robbery)
Witnessing Violence, Death or Injury
Terrorist Attacks
Natural Disasters
Medical Trauma, Illness and Injury
Transgenerational Trauma
Spiritual Injury
Depersonalisation - Derealisation, etc.
Trauma and PTSD
Did you experience a difficult, stressful life event, in which you thought your life/health/identity was at risk? Did you witness a dangerous event? Do you still think or dream about it? Does it affect your sleep or ability to concentrate? Are you jumpy, irritable or hyper-vigilant? Is it still difficult to believe that it really happened? Do reminders of it cause you to have physical reactions? Do you experience flashbacks, where you relive that particular experience? Do the memories of particular events effect your day to day functioning?
If you experience these symptoms you might be suffering from Trauma or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) or Complex PTSD. As a trauma therapist EMDR is my preferred way of working with Trauma​ and PTSD.
I still get amazed by the effects it brings to the clients.
"Trauma is not what happened to you,
but what happened inside of you,
as a result of what happened to you”
- Gabor Maté