Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Recommended for the treatment of Stress, Depression and Anxiety Disorders.
CBT is a short-term psychotherapy, suitable for work on a wide range of psychological problems e.g. depression, anxiety, anger, self-esteem.
This therapy focuses on the way you think, behave and communicate in the "here and now". It is based on a model which emphasises the relationship between thoughts, behaviour and emotions as well as your physical sensations.
CBT focuses on work on negative thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself, other people and the world. It teaches you ways of changing the way you think and behave, and helps to shift unhelpful beliefs.

What can CBT help with?
CBT Therapy is recommended and widely used for a variety of problems including:
Depression (Low Mood)
Generalised Anxiety Disorder - GAD (Worry)
Panic Disorder (and Panic Attacks)
Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder - OCD
Social Anxiety
Specific Phobias (Specific Fears)
Health Anxiety and Death Anxiety
Stress Management
Lack of Work - Life Balance

Do you have a sense of constant anxiety? Are you overly anxious? Do you worry about many different things? Many situations make you worry? Do you worry about everything that you need to do? Do you feel overwhelmed by your worries?
Are you able to dismiss your worries? Have you been a worrier all your life? Do you think about the worst-case scenarios that cause anxiety? Do you find difficult to relax and you feel always tense?
If you experience these symptoms you might be suffering from Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD). I offer CBT for overcoming anxiety. CBT helps with reducing your anxiety and managing your worries. There are many effective techniques to deal with your anxiety problems.

Have you noticed that you worry too much about your health? Are you always afraid that you are seriously ill (heart disease/cancer)? Do you experience constant anxiety about your health and your life? Do you have thoughts about death caused by previous experience of illness? Do you worry even if your doctor and test results say you are ok? Do you read all available information about the symptoms you experience?
If you experience these symptoms you might be suffering from Health Anxiety.
This is something you can overcome with CBT Treatment.
Sometimes people worry a lot about death and dying to the point that affects their ability to function. Their thoughts are time consuming and distressing, and they engage in unhelpful behaviours and actions. If you suffer from Death Anxiety, it it something I can help.

Do you experience any of the following physical symptoms?
• Rapid or pounding heartbeat
• Chest pain or discomfort
• Chills or hot flushes
• Sweating
• Nausea
• Trembling or shaking
• Dizziness or faintness
• Breathlessness
• Feelings of unreality
• Numbness or tingling?
Do you fear you are losing control or dying? Do you think you are going to choke, faint, have a heart attack or go crazy? Are you feeling tense worrying panic attack will happen again? Do you avoid certain situations because of fear of having a panic attack? Do you experience panic attacks in specific situations or maybe they happen out of the blue?
If you experience these symptoms you might be suffering from Panic Disorder. I offer treatments that will help - including CBT for anxiety problems, which will help you deal with a range of anxiety related issues in your life.

Have you been feeling down, depressed, or hopeless? Have you been having trouble sleeping? Have you been feeling tired? Are your energy levels affected and poor motivation?
Do you have problems with appetite? Problems with concentration? Lack of interest in doing things? Feeling bad about yourself? Have you been experiencing thoughts that you would not want to be around?
If you experience these symptoms you might be suffering from Depression. I offer CBT for Depression as well as Integrative Psychotherapy, which can help you enormously when dealing with this issue.

Do you experience unwanted, unpleasant, intrusive thoughts that you cannot get rid of? Do your thoughts revolve around catastrophic events that you think will happen and you will be responsible for if you do not perform certain activities? Do you experience urges and compulsive behaviours that you cannot stop? Do you perform rituals or routine activities such as hand washing or constant checking because you worry that something bad could happen? Do you feel discomfort if things are not done in a certain way?
If you experience these symptoms you might be suffering from Obsessive – Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I offer CBT for OCD as CBT is known to be one of the best therapies for treating OCD.

Do you find difficult to cope with social situations and parties? Do you feel anxious when you are the centre of attention? Do you avoid doing activities when know you are being watched? Do you avoid talking to people you don’t know? Do you avoid speaking publicly and feel anxious in a group of people? Activities in public places cause you anxiety? Are you afraid of people in authority? Do you worry about being embarrassed?
If you experience these symptoms you might be suffering from Social Anxiety Disorder. CBT is the recommended treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder. I can help you overcome this problem and manage your symptoms.

How does CBT work?
CBT is a therapy that emphasises the relationship between thoughts (cognitions), behaviours and emotions.
It has a structure, requires goals and a treatment plan.
It will help you observe, challenge and change your negative thoughts as well as unhelpful behaviours.
It will help you to focus on the present moment “here and now”, rather than living in the past or the future.
It is solution focused, provides you with a new way of understanding your problem.
CBT is collaborative. You and your therapist work together as a team to effect change.
It uses techniques, strategies and exercises, so you acquire new skills needed to deal with your issues.​
It is rather short and time-limited therapy, as you become "your own therapist", and are able to solve problems on your own.
It requires you to practice new skills and to try new things in between the sessions.
It provides you with an individual diagram, a map of your difficulties, so called "formulation", that helps you understand what maintains your problems, and what to do to overcome them.
It is an evidence-based treatment.
You can read more about CBT on the CBT Association website.

Services for Other Therapists
I also offer clinical supervision to other therapists, mainly those who use CBT modality in their practice. I believe supervision is a very important and integral part of any therapy practice. Supervision provides space to reflect and explore own therapeutic work. It helps the therapist see things in a different light and ensures they are providing the best quality practice to their clients so they are achieving their goals. In order to grow as a psychotherapist, I receive supervision from other experienced psychotherapists.
Currently, I also supervise students at University of Exeter, who train in delivering High Intensity CBT for the NHS Talking Therapies, see here.

"You are today where your thoughts have brought you.
You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you” .
- James Allen