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Therapy Assessment - photo showing a desert highway

The First Step

Our first session is an assessment appointment, in which we have time to discuss the main problem and establish what we need to work on. You also have a chance to meet me as a therapist and decide if my therapeutic approach works for you. After the assessment you can choose if you would like to continue sessions and start therapy. Together we set goals for treatment and agree on the number of sessions and the length of therapy. It all depends on your individual needs and type of issues you are bringing.

Counselling is a type of psychological help that could involve psycho-education, learning new ideas and coping strategies.


It provides support in emotionally difficult situations and allows you to reflect on what is happening in your life. Counselling lasts for as long as you feel it is helping you. Its aim is to identify the problem and look for ways of solving it.


Psychotherapy work usually involves going deeper into your feelings. During psychotherapy sessions you notice changes in the way you look at things, your perspective changes as well as your self-consciousness.


You have a chance understand why your difficulties happened in the first place but also learn coping strategies and ways of solving your problems. You start seeing things very differently. It helps you gain a better understanding of your inner world, which results in changes of your functioning.


If you have any questions, there is more information available on my FAQ page or feel free to contact me.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBT

CBT is a short-term psychotherapy, suitable for work on a wide range of psychological problems e.g. depression, anxiety, anger, self-esteem.


This therapy focuses on the way you think, behave and communicate in the "here and now". It is based on a model which emphasises the relationship between thoughts, behaviour and emotions as well as your physical sensations.


CBT focuses on work on negative thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself, other people and the world. It teaches you ways of changing the way you think and behave, and helps to shift unhelpful beliefs. CBT is recommended for many different problems, including:


  • Depression (Low Mood)

  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder (Worry)

  • Panic Disorder ( and Panic Attacks)

  • Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder

  • Social Anxiety

  • Phobias and Specific Fears

  • Health Anxiety

  • PTSD

  • Lack of Work - Life Balance


You can read more about CBT on the CBT Association website.

EMDR is a very effective treatment for treating trauma and alleviating trauma symptoms. It utilises the natural process of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) that occurs during our sleep. EMDR works on unprocessed memories and feelings stored in a brain that remain “frozen” in time and might seem recent and fresh.


As a result of repeated sets of eye movements (similar to REM), the memories change and lose their intensity. EMDR helps create new connections in your brain that enable the processing of the traumatic event. Changes in thoughts, images and feelings allow the trauma memory become a natural memory.


EMDR works really well with traumatic events such as:


  • Road Traffic Accidents (RTA)

  • Childhood Trauma (Any type)

  • Abuse and Neglect

  • Birth Trauma

  • Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination

  • Personal Assaults (Sexual Assault, Mugging, Robbery)

  • Witnessing Violence, Death or Injury

  • Terrorist Attacks

  • Natural Disasters

  • Spiritual Injury, etc.


You can read more about the benefits of EMDR therapy on the EMDR Association website.

Supervision Services - photo showing people in therapy

Services for Other Therapists

I also offer clinical supervision to other therapists, mainly those who use CBT modality in their practice. I believe supervision is a very important and integral part of any therapy practice. Supervision provides space to reflect and explore own therapeutic work. It helps the therapist see things in a different light and ensures they are providing the best quality practice to their clients so they are achieving their goals. In order to grow as a psychotherapist, I receive supervision from other experienced psychotherapists. 

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